My Bucket List.


Hello Everybody!

So whilst I might not have the most exciting life in the world-for example, I'm not exactly Bear Grylls- I do have large aspirations in life and a large list of things I want to accomplish. I have always been a driven person when it comes to setting my mind on things so I hope to achieve a large amount of these things.

 I would love to travel the word (as stereotypical and cliche as it sounds). I often want to write about places other than the UK and I feel going to these places would enrich my ability to write about them. Some of my top destinations would have to be: Italy, New Zealand, Barcelona and I would also love to go back to Ireland and tour the whole country.

A slightly random one here. But I would love to get a cover for my books illustrated or designed by a professional illustrator or graphic designer. I just feel like this would be such a beneficial, and lets not lie exciting, experience.

I would really love to get one of my books published. I feel like this is something that would feature on every author's bucket list but It is just the absolute dream.
As well as writing, I also love music and play guitar (well just about) and so would love to further my knowledge in playing the guitar as well as learning to play the piano and ukulele.
I really want to take my summer before university to go to a less developed country and do a month of charity work. Not only do I want to help out as much as I can to help the people in these countries I feel it will be beneficial to me growing as a person to see how different people live and how easy it is to change someone else's life simply with kindness and charity aided work
Leading on from that, I want to go to university. I want to study some sort of journalism course at either Cardiff or Sheffield.
I would also love to run a marathon or complete a triathlon before I turn 25. I have always had an interest in fitness but I really want to push myself.
I  want to go to more festivals as like I said before I love music and festival culture and fashion appeals to me so much so this summer I am hoping to go to a couple of festivals
I really want to concentrate on musical theatre in my spare time. I plan to make writing my career and so even though I find writing is my escape as such a high level, I want other interests as well. I am currently take a GCSE in Performing Arts and I am so part of a Theatre company.
This one is a little bit vague but I want to make a difference to the world. I have come to realise that writing or being an author is not a largely influential career in the fact that its not going to change the world massively and so I would also like to focus my life on making a difference in the world. I am a feminist which means I believe in equality so If I can use my writing to help get equality, I will do my best.

These are only a handful of things I'd really like to do. Like I said, my aspirations aren't wild and Impossible but they're what I want to do. Leave a comment below of what would be on your bucket list.


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